Platinum Lab Varitone (for Guitar)
Code: V6
Product Details
Rothstein Platinum Lab V6 Varitone (for Guitar)
We have been building these high quality switches since circa 2002, and have installed them in countless customer guitars. We have improved and refined our design over years. These are wired using only top notch components and vintage style cloth wire. All components are treated with Caig Deoxit for long trouble free operation. You will note that all sensitive connections are carefully insulated using heat shrink tubing.
Our customers have been telling us this is by far the best sounding one on the market.
Quality Components / Quality Construction
- Make Before Break Switch - We use only "Make Before Break" rotary switches (also known as shorting) to dramatically minimize the popping noise you would normally get when using the typical "Break Before Make" switches.
- No Ceramic Caps Here!! It is widely known in the industry that ceramic capacitors do not produce a good tone. That is why we use Xicon Polyester Film Capacitors instead. We find the ceramic capacitors to have a much harsher tone, while the polyester film to have a much warmer tone with more character. I'm sure many of you reading this have already upgraded the tone capacitor in one of your guitars from a cermamic to an Orange Drop. Well Orange Drop capacitors are Polyester Film construction just like the Xicon caps. A common question we get is how come we don't use Orange Drop Capacitors in the Varitone. The reason we chose Xicon Polyester Film for this application is the size of the Xicon cap is far smaller than the Vishay/Sprague Orange Drop while the tonal properties are quite similar. That being said, we have done a few "one off" custom Varitones for customers who have requested Orange Drops.
The most important question: What does it sound like?
The cool thing is that depends on how it is applied:
- If you play in a strumming/jangly fashion with a reasonably clean tone, you will find the filter will make the guitar sound more and more acoustic like as you progess through the filters.
- If you play chunky rhythms with distortion, you will find the guitar will sound a bit more "single coil like" and nastier/gritter and less smooth as you progress through the filters.
Here is a summary of the 6 positions:
- Features 5 interesting tonal filters plus a true-bypass position
- Position 1 = true bypass
- Position 2 = subtle cut of highs - softens up a harsh tone
- Position 3 = clapton style "woman tone" - works great with overdrive for a nice creamy distortion
- Position 4 = scooped mids (my favorite sound!!)
- Position 5 = deeper scooped mids- similar to five but at a different frequency
- Position 6 = darker jazz tone
Is it available with a knob and dial plate?
- Comes with Chicken Head knob at no extra charge, but you may put any knob on the switch provided it tightens with a set screw.
- 1-5 dial plate available for $10 extra.
Will it be difficult to Install?
- Installation is EASY! - just connect 2 wires, one to hot and the other to ground. Comes with hookup instructions.
Will it fit my guitar?
- Yes, provided you don't have an extremely thick top. The shaft is 3/8 (same as a standard guitar pot). You will see a photo below of my Gibson Custom Shop Pat Martino model which has a pretty thick top (similar to a LP). The top is 1/4" thick and the pot just made it. It is safe to say if your top is less than or equal to 1/4" thick the unit will fit.