Copper Shield for Jazzmaster
Product Details
NOTE: Due to a bit of a copper shortage, we have a limited supply of copper shields for purchase.
Rothstein Guitars is a Recommended Supplier
on the ToneQuest Report
Rothstein Guitars is proud to announce the availability of very high quality 3 mil thick copper pickguard shields specifically for the Jazzmaster®. These is the same copper used on our highly touted Strat shields. These are made of very thick copper (much than foil) and laser cut. Patterned after an original Jazzmaster shield, these will fit perfectly into any Fender USA made or import Jazzmaster® pickguard. This is a nice upgrade over the aluminum found on most Jazzmasters®. They are easy to install and will go a long way in minimizing noise!
This is what the shield will look like out of the box when you receive it.
Check out our YouTube Installation Video!!
Theses shields were patterned after a genuine Fender Jazzmaster® pickguard. Observe the shield directly next to the underside of a Jazzmaster® pickguard. You will need to punch out additional holes for the pots and pickguard screws as is done on our popular strat shields.
You will use spray adhesive (personally, I like 3M Adhesive) and glue the shield to the back of your pickguard.
I prefer to roll it out with a rolling pin, but this isn't mandatory. Any excess glue can be cleaned with either naphtha or a similar cleaner.
This is how it will look after you have glued on the shield, and cut the remaining holes. This will take you no more than 5 minutes.
Jazzmaster® Wiring Diagram (click to see larger image)