Use this page to order one of our professional grade Jaguar Prewired Kits mounted to a wooden template.

Prewired Jaguar Vintage 1962 Wiring
Code: JAG_62
Product Details
Improve the Tone and Clarity of your Jaguar®
Use this page to order one of our Prewired Jaguar kits mounted to a wooden template. Upon installation of one of our custom wired assemblies, you will notice an improvement in both clarity and character, coupled with more reliability. Not only is this is because we use only the finest components available, but also because we know how to set up Jaguar wiring to sound great. Every component is hand picked for tolerance. Every pot treated with Caig D5. Every solder joint solid and shiny. Every unit tested extensively.
Expand any of the sections below to read important details. You may use these links to Expand All and Collapse All to expand or collapse all sections with a single click
- (2) CTS 1 Meg Audio Taper pots (lead circuit volume and tone)
- (1) CTS 1 Meg Linear Taper pot (rhythm circuit volume)
- (1) CTS 50K Linear Taper pot (rhythm circuit tone)
- (4) Switchcraft Slide Switches
- (1) Switchcraft Jack
- (1) .01 MFD SoZo NextGen Blue Molded Capacitor(lead circuit)
- (1) .01 MFD Mallory 150 Series Capacitor (rhythm circuit)
- (1) .003 MFD Mallory 150 Series Capacitor (strangle switch)
- (1) 1000 PF Mallory 150 Series Capacitor with 150K resistor (treble bleed mod)
- (1) 56K Carbon Comp Resistors (lead circuit tone pot)
- Vintage style cloth wire in period correct colors
- Mounting bracket for roller pots
- (2) Black Aluminum Roller Knobs (for rhythm circuit)
- Mounted to a Wooden Template
A Fender Jaguar body is comprised of 4 separate quadrants: The lead circuit, the pickup selector switches, the rhythm circuit, and the pickup cavity. In a vintage style Jaguar body, the 4 quadrants are connected by tunnels, which means you need to feed wires through these tunnels to connect the various parts of the circuit. In some newer Jaguar models (such as the Classic Player), channels are used instead of tunnels making it easier to connect these 4 quadrants.
- If your guitar has tunnels, then we will leave 6 of the solder connections unsoldered, so that you can route the wires through the tunnels. You will need to make these 6 final solder connections, as well as the pickup solder connections.
- If your kit has channels, then we will take care of these 6 solder connections for you. You will still need to solder in your pickups.
A high-grade SoZo NextGen Blue Molded .01 MFD capacitor will be used in the lead circuit. MusiCaps are manufactured entirely in the USA with tight 5% tolerances. These caps are made in the USA, and provide a dramatic improvement in clarity, focus and dynamics.
The remaining capacitors (.01 MFD rhythm circuit and .003 MFD for the strange switch) are both Mallory 150 series capacitors. These are the famous Mallory Mustard Cap used on many high end guitars, and are quite smooth sounding.
A volume kit (also know as a treble bleed mod or treble retention circuit) will be included with the prewired kit for the lead circuit's volume pot. This is a high-pass filter used to prevent the loss of highs associated with lowering the volume on your guitar. We use a 1000 pf Mallory 150 Series Metalized Polyester Tubular capacitor in parallel with a 150K resistor. Check out our article about the Treble Bleed mod here.
You may select a set of Curtis Novak pickups along with the wiring harness. Novak Jaguar pickups sound amazing. We offer the following 2 options:
- JAG-V CNC - Vintage Jaguar pickups with claw, cover (white or black) and screws included ($225 per set)
- LIPSTICK JAG - Full sized Dano Lipstick pickup designed to directly install in a Jaguar route and pickguard with no mods ($195 per set- includes mounting screws)

Curtis Novak Lipstick Jaguar Pickup

Optionally you may add a chrome hardware package which includes the following:
- Lower Circuit Control Plate
- Upper Circuit Control Plate
- Switch Plate
- Black Plastic Knobs for the Lower Circuit

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